The eight worldly winds shape us — turning, moving, pulling — until we notice the silence between each movement.
Within the spectrum from black to white, we experience ourselves as all and nothing at once.
He who sees, sees.
For so long, I followed a rhythm that named itself me and mine. I was simply dancing, unaware that Rta, the Dao, was holding my performance. Every step, every gesture—an extraction, Rta drawing out Rna.
What I carried, I lived.
What I possessed, I lost.
What I denied, I endured-
until I saw the pattern and let it go.
Now, I move freely—not against, not despite, but with.
I yield to the co-arising of body, beholder, and world.
This text accompanies my dance performance, photographic series (Bhava), and paintings of the 64 Yoginis (Abhava), each emerging without script or design—form arising in response to thought, feeling, and sensation.